asas as的用法

大家好,linda来为大家解答以下的问题,asas as的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


当我们所比较的事物在某种程度上相等时,我们用as +形容词/副词+ as来进行比较:

The world’s biggest bull is as big as a small elephant.

The weather this summer is as bad as last year. It hasn’t stopped raining for weeks.

You have to unwrap it as carefully as you can. It’s quite fragile.

See also:

Not as … as

我们用not as…as来比较不相等的事物:

It’s not as heavy as I thought it would be, actually.

Rory hasn’t grown as tall as Tommy yet.

She’s not singing as loudly as she can.

They didn’t play as well as they usually do.

我们可以用not quite as或not nearly as来替换not as…as:

The second race was not quite as easy as the first one. (The second race was easy but the first one was easier.)

These new shoes are not nearly as comfortable as my old ones. (My old shoes are a lot more comfortable than these new shoes.)

我们也可以用not so…as。Not so…as比Not as…as更少见。

The cycling was good but not so hard as the cross country skiing we did.

As … as + possibility


Can you come as soon as possible?

Go to as many places as you can.

We got here as fast as we could.

As much as, as many as

当我们想比较数量时,我们用as much as连用不可数名词,用as many as连用复数名词:

Greg makes as much money as Mick but not as much as Neil.

They try to give them as much freedom as they can.

There weren’t as many people there as I expected.

我们可以在数字前使用as much as和as many as来表示某物的大量:

Scientists have discovered a planet which weighs as much as 2,500 times the weight of Earth.

There were as many as 50 people crowded into the tiny room.




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